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7 10, 2019

A Look Ahead to Next Year on Admiralty Island

2020-04-07T13:16:05+00:00Admiralty Island Alaska, Alaska Fishing Resorts, Fall Fishing Trips, Most Beautiful Places in Alaska, Southeast Alaska Fishing Lodges|

It's never too early to book your trip to one of the most beautiful places in Alaska, Favorite Bay Lodge on Admiralty Island. Since many set out on an Alaska fishing vacation, you'll want to make your reservations early to ensure your spot! During your Alaska salmon fishing trips, you'll have the opportunity to do some of the best saltwater salmon excursions throughout your stay. Aside from fishing the five species of salmon as well as halibut, the area has freshwater streams that hold healthy populations of Cutthroat trout, Dolly Varden char, and steelhead. Keep reading to find out what [...]

7 09, 2019

8 Reasons to Visit Admiralty Island, Alaska

2020-11-13T22:26:26+00:00Admiralty Island Alaska, Alaska Fishing Packages, Alaska Fishing Vacation, Coho Salmon Fishing, Hiking in Alaska|

Admiralty Island, Alaska, is one of the last remaining hidden gems in North America as only a handful of fishing and adventure lodges rest on this particularly serene isle. And Favorite Bay Lodge remains one of the only Southeast Alaska fishing lodges to provide world-class fishing, gourmet cuisine, whale watching, and crab trapping. While we’re in the midst of autumn, there’s no better time than right now to book a well-deserved, long-awaited getaway to awe-inspiring Admiralty Island. Admiralty Island: A Scenic, Adventurous Haven To ensure that your Southeast Alaska fishing vacation is nothing short of flawless, we’ve compiled eight reasons [...]

7 08, 2019

Coho Salmon Fishing near Admiralty Island

2020-04-07T13:02:11+00:00Alaska Fishing Camps, Angoon Alaska, Coho Salmon Fishing, Fall Fishing Trips, Salmon Fishing in Alaska|

Recent regulations on underpopulated king salmon put thousands of anglers in a tight spot this summer. Baiting, hooking, and hauling in a giant king salmon ranks among the most incredible experiences on earth. But while we wait for the Chinook to thrive once again, we turn our attention to the best pound-for-pound fighters in the salmon family: coho. Coho (“silver salmon”) are as fast as lightning, wicked smart, and acrobatic. Anglers from across the globe have been flocking to Southeast Alaska to partake in some of the best coho salmon fishing known to humankind. Whether you’re aiming to battle saltwater [...]

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